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Thursday, June 2, 2011

If you need any language translator in Turkey and Thai culture

If you are from Spain or Japan or China and you are in urgent need for translator in your mother tongue in Turkey , just click   http://www.tomer.ankara.edu.tr/ or http://www.ceviridernegi.org/ or http://www.tuced.org.tr/Default.asp?Lang=ENG for notarized translator services immediately. Also you can learn Turkish in Tomer easily for low prices and their website is http://www.tomer.ankara.edu.tr/
Learning native language is learning the country's culture. In the big cities of Turkey, there are no customs among young individuals, they mostly live like British or American youngsters. So as foreigner, you can easily get in contact with them and learn more about Turkey. They are helpful.
 Thai people and Turkish people are somewhat alike and have following traits.

 The values and traits of Thai people include these:
  • Relaxed, not in a hurry about anything, cannot be hurried
  • Polite interaction, pleasant
  • Family, friends, community and good food are most important
  • Be happy, have fun ("sanuk")
  • Avoid conflict, keep your cool, don't lose your temper
  • In case of conflict, stay cool and reasonable, and compromise
  • Follow the authority(s)
  • Conform fairly well, but tolerate
  • Tolerate different kinds of people

Thais don't tend to be self-starters or very creative people (except at humorous things). There aren't many inventions in the world from Thailand. While some products are improved here, many others are just made more cheaply which includes cutting corners on quality.
Discipline must be maintained in a workplace. What tends to work best is constant auditing whereby they know they are being audited, and a little bit of fear of the big boss. Not too much fear or they will go crazy and leave, but not too much fear or "when the cat's away, the mice will play". Be firm, yet polite. To be respectable, you should be respectful.
If confrontation is necessary, it is extremely important to do it in private, not in front of other people. Thais are much more sensitive to "Saving face", which is much more important in Thai culture than in European descended cultures.
If you learn the language, then you will learn the "polite particles" in the Thai language for which no equivalent exists in Western society. (Learning the Thai language and customs is a good way to learn the culture.)
Thai culture is fairly homogenous, compared to many other countries and regions of the world. It is remarkable that the Thai language is the native language of the indigenous people over such a large country, approximately 1500 km by 500 km. (In fact, the Lao (Laos) language is very similar to the Thai language, using essentially the same written characters and most of the same words. The Thai language also extends into the southernmost edge of China.)
The "religion" is Buddhism (and there has never been a war or fighting over Buddhism), which over 90% of Thais call themselves. The main exception is the small southernmost provinces bordering Malaysia which are predominantly Muslim.
The homogeneity of Thailand's culture and language has contributed to the peaceful and smooth nature of Thai people.


  1. Turkish citizens don't need visas for these countries : Antigua-Barbuda, Arjantin, Arnavutluk, Bahamalar, Barbados, Belize, Bolivya, Bosna-Hersek, Brezilya, Ekvador, El Salvador, Fas, Fiji, Filipinler, Guetemala, South Africa, Georgia (they don't require passport from Turks either), Haiti, Croatia, Honduras, Hong Kong, İran, Jamaika, Japan, Montenegro, Kazakhstan, Kırgızistan, Cyprus, Colombia, Korea (South Korea), Kosovo, Costa Rika, Libya, Macau , Macedonia, Maldivs, Malaysia, Mauritus, Nicaragua, Palau Cumhuriyeti, Paraguay, St. Vincent-Grenadines, Singapur, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Syria, Svaziland, Chile, Thailand, Trinidad-Tobago, Tunus, Tuvalu, Uruguay, Jordan, Venezuela.

  2. You can be my facebook friend from jamescorrelsydney@mail.com

  3. http://www.turkeypropertyinvestors.co.uk/
